Monday 18 March 2013

2013 Demo Reel

Here's a look at my 2013 demo reel so far. I'm still going to add different clips to it as a I develop more models and animation scenes, but here's where I'm at now.

EDIT: Update
EDIT 2: Updated again.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Rice Rivalry

It feels great to have this animation done! Here's the whole video and the individual scenes to take a gander at. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 13 March 2013

March Progress As Is

Recent photos of whats going on. Working on my last scene for my short animation! I hope to have it done tomorrow and then I can start rendering all my scenes. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. Once that's done, I'm gonna do some fun animation with the juice box. :)

I'll be sure to share the videos with you soon!