Tuesday 28 February 2012

Slowly But Surely!

Soon enough, I should be able to get everything organized here. As you can see, I've added some new tabs up top. I have a deviantArt tab, a tab that leads to my Youtube channel, a tab that leads to a Facebook page I've recently made, a tab that leads to my chibi commission page and a tab that leads to the monthly challenge I'm currently doing. As you can see, I'm trying to cover my bases here in getting my stuff out there. Someone is bound to see my stuff one way or another, and it might interest them so they might tell their friends about it. Maybe it will be like a whole chain reaction, eh?

I can only just keep working away at it and see where it leads me. Can only hope for the best, right?  :)

Also, I'm going to try and post every other day, unless I have something really exciting to post and I won't be able to hold it in any longer.

Anyways, here's another picture in the meantime.


Sunday 26 February 2012

First Post Excitement

Alright, first post on the blog, this is kind of exciting! I've been super busy with school work, so I haven't really gotten around to making a blog/website till now. But at least it's now officially started and I can hopefully keep up with it. I suppose it won't be too much different than posting a journal on deviantART, but it usually takes me a while to put up a journal even there. So now, I'm really going to have to push myself to keep up with this blogging business and have a little fun with it!

Eventually I'll get around to customizing the look of my blog, and then it will be awesome! I have some ideas in mind, so might as well start there. Originally, I was going to make my blog look kind of like a storybook, since I'm into fairy tales, myths and legends. I still might go with that idea (might have to change it around a bit while figuring out how to customize the blog), but either way, it should be really fun to customize it to my own preferences.

Anyways, here's a test upload of some personal work.

I made this over the Christmas break for my Dad as Christmas present.
It's a picture of my Dad's old 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1 that he used to
have when he was younger.