Wednesday 15 August 2012

I learned something!

I learned a little bit of actionscript coding! :D
I made a storybook that's about 12 or 13 pages long and it works! I put it up on my deviantArt account since it seems to be the only place I can upload it online in my usual places. Everywhere else just gets links to it, like Facebook, Tumblr and the blog. For my first bit of actionscript coding, I think it turned out pretty well. There are of course some places where I could fix it up some, but now I know how to do it, so it'll be easy!

Here's the link to Doodlebook #1

I'm also still learning 3DS Max. I'm recapping all the stuff I learned previously, and making a help sheet for when I'm stuck and can't remember shortcuts and how to do something. Sometimes you just need a reminder.

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