Sunday 4 August 2013

What's Currently Going On

     I've been quite busy with work as of late, but I've also been working with a client since July. I'm currently drawing little black and white illustrations for a children's silly Christmas short story book. There are 14 short stories in all and I'm currently on number 10, so I'm progressing very well.

     I'll also be moving out of Nova Scotia and to New Brunswick come September, so that's going to be interesting. It's a new chapter in my life. I'll be living with my boyfriend and my best friend, and the apartment we got has a pretty sweet layout cause it has 1.5 bathrooms. And decent percentage of our friends from college are moving up too, so it's almost like it's college again...but not, haha. Either way, it's going to be a wonderful experience and it's definitely going to be interesting to say the least.

     Once I've settled down in New Brunswick for a while, I may even decide to go back to school. Once I have enough money stored up. I'd rather pay off my student loans a little more before I even think about that though. I might go the way of graphic design, but I'm not sure yet. I'll just focus on what's at hand first and go from there.

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