Monday 21 May 2012

Chopping Block Time!

I finished little animation yesterday, and added a little addition to my campsite scene. I figure it will definitely continue to grow and that's what I'm looking forward to. Anyways, this is just a little object animation of an ax chopping a piece of firewood.

On another note, I'm thinking of working on some illustrations once I get back home from Truro. I haven't really illustrated too much since I've been working on 3D, and I quite miss it. Plus, I've got to work on my monthly challenge for May and I've got an arsenal of scans I can paint. I'm also hoping I can get a commission or two, which would be awesome. A distraction for when I come home after working at ShoppersDrugMart would be lovely.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Feels good to have it done.

I finally finished my campsite last night. So here are some more progress pictures and a short video showcasing. There will be another video for it too, but more of a 360 view. Even though I say I'm finished with, I'll probably go back to it and see if I can keep adding stuff to it to make it even better.

And here's the video~

EDIT: 360 View

Monday 14 May 2012

Bonfire, anyone?

Right now I'm taking a break from the Dragon Egg character, and I'm starting to work on more so the modelling aspect. I've come to realize (finally) that there are certain things I'm going to be better at doing when I try to tackle them. For one, it's become apparent to me that perhaps rigging and weighting are not my specialty; that I'm better at modelling and animating in Maya, for 3D works. Texturing may not be my strongest suit either, but I've been discovering new things I can do with the texture files that are within Maya. I guess this is what people call, "finding where your skills are allocated". I must have messed up on a skill roll somewhere (Dungeons & Dragons joke).

Anyways, as I said, I'm currently working on modelling. I'm in the process of making a little campsite. Bonfire, rocks, sticks with marsh mellows and maybe a tent or cabin. The logs for the fire are made right now and I've been playing with the fire a little bit, but it needs to be played with a bit more so I can get it the way I want. Once I get the fire done, I'll post a little video of the fire animation. But for now, here are the logs.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

It's off to work we go!

I finished a simple little model today; a little dragon egg with his feet and tail sticking out. He wasn't overly complex, but I think that's why I really like him. It's kinda cute. It's just the model that's done, but I plan on trying to rig him and seeing what I can make move. I was thinking about putting a constraint on him in order to make him squish, even though eggs shouldn't really. Overall, I think he'll be fun to play with.

There are other things I plan on working on as well, like modeling my computer and getting around to modeling my small little room as well. It would be fun to have the little dragon egg walking and jumping around on my bed. I was thinking about modeling a weapon of some sort too. Since I'm reading and watching Game of Thrones, I was thinking of modeling some sort of medieval weapon...maybe put an emitter (I think that's what it is) on it and make it ghostly or something. As you can see, I'm just really happy I'm out of my rut.

I'm also gonna try and do more illustrations, going over pictures from my sketchbook. I've been meaning to do that for quite a while.