Tuesday 24 July 2012


Alright, so yesterday I found out that I didn't get accepted into the DND internship, which means back to the drawing board about what I'm gonna do. Not really sure, honestly, aside for continuing the search for a job in the industry. Till I find something or I hear back, I'm just going to keep on drawing.

3D wise, I have a couple things planned. Originally I was just going to model a bath/shower with water, and then it was suggested modelling my room (since it's small anyways). But I decided to through another idea in there, like, modelling my whole house...maybe. So I took pictures of the outside all around the house for reference. I think I'll still work on the shower first though...get my self-esteem back up.

Sunday 22 July 2012

New Ideas Come from Frustrations

We're still waiting to hear back from the DND about the internship we applied for (at least some of us are). There have been a bunch of delays, and I'm wondering if I'll hear back from them in time. I'm still working at my summer job, but I'm still going to have to give my two weeks notice. If I can't do that in time to move up to Fredericton and get all my stuff up there, then it's just going to be a 42 ton weight falling from the sky at a high velocity. It's not going to feel good when that crashes down.

It's a longer distance from home to Fredericton than it is to Truro. It's all just kind of silly to have to wait so long just to hear "yes" or "no." I just want to know what the delay is...what keeps causing all these delays?

Out of all this frustration though, I started doing a doodle a day, depicting myself waiting by my computer waiting for the email. Each picture throughout the week had a different pose. It was then suggested I put these on Tumblr, so I did. Now the idea is to do a doodle a day. They're fun and cute and they keep me sane while waiting for this email.

You can now find the doodles on my Tumblr page, Doodle A Day.

A link to the Tumblr page is also along the left hand side of the blog with all the other links and pages.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Don't Cross the Streams!

I've decided I would give live streaming a try, and it's really not that bad. It's actually really fun, being able to talk and draw with friends. This morning I did a stream while drawing a few designs for a subtle star wars themed wedding dress. I've been watching too many "Say Yes to The Dress" and "Randy to the Rescue" shows. But  I guess it can't be helped, since after a certain point, you really start to think about that kinda stuff. I never really watched these shows a few years ago, but now, I'd watch a marathon of them!

Anyways, here's the link to my Juicebox of Apple stream channel.On the page list to the left, there is also a link to the Livestream channel.



Next stream will be tomorrow, and it's been suggested I draw a WoW character. A horde leader, I think is what they called it. Just gonna have to give it a shot. ;)

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Demo Reel

My 3D demo reel.

0:02 - Character Animation
0:04 - Environment Modeling
0:18 - Lip Syncing
0:36 - Character Modeling
0:39 - Character Animation
0:41 - Environment Animation

Sunday 1 July 2012

Price Update

Recently I've updated my prices for commissions, so I've made a sheet with examples on it. Below the examples it will say what the prices are for each thing, for extra character and for backgrounds.