Sunday 4 August 2013

What's Currently Going On

     I've been quite busy with work as of late, but I've also been working with a client since July. I'm currently drawing little black and white illustrations for a children's silly Christmas short story book. There are 14 short stories in all and I'm currently on number 10, so I'm progressing very well.

     I'll also be moving out of Nova Scotia and to New Brunswick come September, so that's going to be interesting. It's a new chapter in my life. I'll be living with my boyfriend and my best friend, and the apartment we got has a pretty sweet layout cause it has 1.5 bathrooms. And decent percentage of our friends from college are moving up too, so it's almost like it's college again...but not, haha. Either way, it's going to be a wonderful experience and it's definitely going to be interesting to say the least.

     Once I've settled down in New Brunswick for a while, I may even decide to go back to school. Once I have enough money stored up. I'd rather pay off my student loans a little more before I even think about that though. I might go the way of graphic design, but I'm not sure yet. I'll just focus on what's at hand first and go from there.

Friday 10 May 2013

Logo Modeling

Here's a little logo modeling that I whipped up today. I work at Shoppers Drug Mart currently, so I did it for the hell of it. Having some issues with my blog, as it doesn't seem to be able to find my youtube videos, so I'll  post a link for now.

Enjoy! Here it is!

Monday 18 March 2013

2013 Demo Reel

Here's a look at my 2013 demo reel so far. I'm still going to add different clips to it as a I develop more models and animation scenes, but here's where I'm at now.

EDIT: Update
EDIT 2: Updated again.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Rice Rivalry

It feels great to have this animation done! Here's the whole video and the individual scenes to take a gander at. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 13 March 2013

March Progress As Is

Recent photos of whats going on. Working on my last scene for my short animation! I hope to have it done tomorrow and then I can start rendering all my scenes. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. Once that's done, I'm gonna do some fun animation with the juice box. :)

I'll be sure to share the videos with you soon!

Tuesday 19 February 2013


I'm so close to being done! It feels so great to get something like this done.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

So close to the end!

I just finished all of the uv mapping of everything for the building! Even the objects! Now I just have to paint and texture everything and I'll be set. It's going to feel great to have this thing done!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Finished modeling!

Pretty much finished all of the modeling! Moving on to UV Mapping and textures! Yaaay!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Working Away

Here are a few snapshots of today's progress on the building!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Little by Little


Currently working on the build of the restaurant itself. I worked out the restaurant layout after actually going to a sushi restaurant to eat sushi. It helped a lot.

Tomorrow, I start construction like a mad woman!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Rough Animation

Here's the latest progress!

The models for the sushi character and rice ball are done (they were the ones who needed the most work). I also forgot how much fun making blendshapes was. It was a great reminder, and it's hilarious when you've had a dose of sugar. When I come back from my visit, I'll be starting work on modeling a simple restaurant for the environment. THAT should be plenty of fun, so I'm looking forward to that.

Here is a VERY rough animation with the rice ball character. I'm using the lattice deformer to animate since the characters are simple and more shape than bone structure would do good for. He needs more squish, lots more squish. Other than that, I like him. He's an adorable pirate rice ball.

Sunday 20 January 2013

New Project

Currently working on a new project for my portfolio. I'm going to make a whole restaurant as an environment, and I'm going to animate a piece of sushi, a rice ball with an eye patch and a pair of chopsticks. I plan to make the environment something I can be proud of.

Right now, I'm working on the sushi, rice ball and chopsticks. I'm having a little issue with the UV Mapping, but I'll figure it out and get it all fixed up. I want this to be fun and not stressful, so I'm working at it a little bit at a time.

Here's some progress so far: