Tuesday 6 March 2012

Whoo Whoo!

Monday was definitely a good start to the week, as our Animediafest Core Committee went to the Town of Truro and presented our pitch to the Mayor and the Council. It went very well, considering I was most certainly nervous going into it. But once we actually got the ball moving, it wasn't such a big deal after all; nothing to be nervous about.  So all in all, the presentation went really well, as the Mayor and the Council seemed to be interested in Animediafest and we were in the town paper to boot!

Also, just yesterday I completed two commissions, in total being $30 together. It's definitely been a good start, but once people from DeviantArt begin to want commissions of me, then I'll feel that I'm really getting somewhere with my commissions. I just really hope it gets to that point though. I'm not going to worry about it too much though right now, as there's still plenty of time for things to pick up.

Characters for Morgan's game based off classmates (Dylan and Morgan)
Commissioned by Sam to draw chibi line art of her  new character
Just recently as well, I've finished a personal work. I had been meaning to finish it as of lately instead of putting it off any longer. Next week I also plan to start working on the monthly challenge that I'm planning to do.

Rathlin Brodick (Naga) [c] Me

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