Tuesday 20 March 2012

Upcoming Week

I'm some what back into the gist of things now, having come back from March break yesterday. I had so much trouble getting up for breakfast on Monday, I didn't even bother going down for it. Which is funny, cause I got up no problem during the break, in order to get up for breakfast. Maybe it was because I was super lazy on the last Saturday and Sunday, eh? It can't be helped! Heh heh!

Anyways, things that are going on this week...lets see...

Tomorrow I'm actually going to be helping a friend do a fundraiser toward supporting kids (I might be wrong, I can't remember what people tell me in the late hours of the night, which is past 11:20 PM). It's actually another friend and I that are helping him out. The fundraiser he's going for is something called "Money Mummy", where someone is wrapped up in tape and then they go around collecting money for their cause with the money sticking on the tape, hence being "Money Mummy". I get to be the money mummy and my friends are walking around with me collecting money. It's gonna be a good ol' time.

Since I'll probably not end up going to the Digital Nova Scotia Dinner 2012, which is being held on Thursday this week, I might end up going to the 3rd Wednesday networking thing with a friend instead. I can't go to the Digital NS Dinner, and it kinda sucks but, I got put on the waiting list for it because apparently all their student sponsored seats are taken. Now, when I applied for it on Monday last week (which was the first day for it) I did it between the hours of 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM at least, which is pretty much shortly after my friends. There were 182 seats left at that time...So I don't know anymore. I'm still interested in going; I emailed them back like they wanted, but I don't think it's likely I'll get my seat. But because I can't go to said special dinner, I might end up going to the 3rd Wednesday networking thing, which is held every 3rd Wednesday of each month. If I can't do one networking thing, might as well do another, right? So maybe something might be in my future, eh? Who knows.

This week I'm also going to be picking up some odds and ends on the work load. I'm going to be revising my resume to make it more suitable, making a cover letter and seeing about a reference letter from one of my Digital Animation teachers. I want to get this stuff done soon and hopefully before the weekend, but I'll have to balance it between other things that might be coming my way. Despite it always being a good idea to keep your resume handy, it's actually for a application. A couple of weeks ago, the Department of National Defense came by and did a presentation for the students who were interested in working for DND, by making stuff like tutorials and doing IT stuff. It sounds really cool and it would definitely be a good stepping stone to getting a job in the industry. You pay a bit of tuition of course, but you actually get paid to learn more, and put what skills you've learned to the test. Plus, you end up getting paid by the end of it, way more than you paid for tuition, so it definitely makes up for it. If this really happens for me, I'll be moving off to New Brunswick, so I'd be even farther from home. It would be another step to getting used to the world. But I hope I won't be alone if this happens, as I hope that my friend who is also applying for DND will get in with me, so we can get an apartment together. It would make things easier for the both of us, I think, even though she has more experience with living in an apartment than I do. But everything would be worth it, that's for sure.

Now, for something not related to my work future, this weekend some friends and I are hopefully going to be going out for supper this weekend for some Japanese food. Conveniently, there is a Japanese food restaurant down the street, so some of us went out for supper last week to give it a try. One of us had already been there plenty, but I think for the rest of us it was a new experience. For me, the most I've ever had was maybe a california roll or something before hand, so it was like a whole new experience food wise when we went out. Before I actually got the food that I had ordered, I tried one of the  cucumber rolls that a friend had ordered, and it was quite good! I'm used to seaweed since I used to eat dulse (dried seaweed) with my dad, so it doesn't really bother me. But when the food I had ordered finally came, it was sooooooooo delicious!!! I mean, the side dishes that came before it (salad with a ginger sauce and miso soup) were good too, but the beef don I ordered was just awesome. It was a big bowl of this awesome bed of rice with a layer of beef, some broccoli and carrots that was good together with an egg. The egg absorbed the flavor of the beef and vegetables, so with the addition of the taste of egg, it tasted sweet, but as in a good dinner sweet. It was soooooooo good!!! So this time when we go, I'm going to get some tuna rolls (none of that canned fish for me! Ew!) and possibly some beef sirloin teriyaki...or maybe something else, I haven't quite decided yet. There are definitely some different things I would mind trying.

Before I forget, I will be working on the first web comic this week; I will make the time! And expect to see the art challenge picture for this month fairly soon as well! Helhesten will be coming your way in no time at all, just you wait.

Just be sure to check out Mythobox by the end of this week, guys! I know I'm going a little slow, I'm sorry! Just be patient.

Next week is also going to be a little busy, so I'll cut it off here for now and save that for later.

Bye for now!

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