Friday 2 March 2012


Yesterday was awesome, beside the fact of having 3D all day, I got to wear the Motion Capture suit for pretty much the whole day! It was really cool getting to wear the suit again, and it was interesting to see the differences between the characters we had been working on. The boy character still has some weighting issues, but the frog princess worked wonderfully! Playing around with the characters and testing out how to animate them with the MoCap suit was just all around fun for me. It got positively hilarious! Plus, it was nice to learn how to use the program behind the computer as well.

In other news, what is probably going to be our last fundraiser for the Animediafest (as I need to concentrate more on work and being able to draw on my own time) is happening tonight. It's called a casper night; for what reason, I'm not really sure as it's what they called it last I just went with it, ha ha! We're having a bunch of events and we're giving out achievements too, to help with the excitement and to get people more involved with each other and the such. There's going to be pizza, chips, pop, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and popcorn. Also, there are going to be Ghibli movies playing all night long, and we even got a few free small decks from the Batter's Box to help teach some new people that were interested in Magic: The Gathering (which is so awesome!). It starts at 7pm and ends at 9am in the morning. I hope to last the whole night this time, as I didn't quite make it during the last casper night (I only made it till 2, almost 3am).

All in all, I feel that this casper night shall be another success as a fundraiser for our Animediafest. Having said that, looking at the calendar I realize that it's the 2nd of March. Animediafest will be here in four weeks time and time is ever so slightly picking up the speed toward it. It's kind of scary to know it'll be here soon enough, but it will be nice to see all our hard work put together into one festival for all the DIAN's, the IMOG's, those who are interested or want to learn more, and the people of Truro. It's going to be awesome to see the final product of our hard work. :)

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