Sunday 1 April 2012

It's over!

Animediafest has now come and gone, but I have to say, it was definitely a good experience. Plus, being able to listen to the people from the industry was awesome! They were so informative! I'll speak more about how it went in a later post, I just wanna make short post for the sake of updating.

Evening though it's the first of April, I finally finished the first picture of my monthly challenge! It's up on the Facebook page and up on the monthly challenge page as well, so be sure to take a gander at it. I'll probably fix some of the small white spots that got past me, but other than that, it's done. Down the road, I'll probably try and improve on it as well, as this time around, it's just cutesy.

Next up is the Gorgon (Medusa), I believe.

Also, the roughs for the 10 double sided bookmark commission are done. Now I just need to get them approved.

And I'll try and work on the comic, but it's been really busy. I know I said I would get it done forever ago, but now that Animediafest is done, I should be able to work on it more in between school work.

Wish me luck.

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