Monday 30 April 2012

The Heron Watches

I have all my gaming out of my system now I think, so I've gone back to doing some 3D modeling and such. Tomorrow I'm actually sending off my commission of 10 bookmarks to my Aunt, who commissioned me for them. I'm also sending her the digital print off test, to see what she thinks of them being done digitally. I find it's definitely easier to just make and paint them in Corel Painter 12, and then just print them off. They look much nicer.

As for 3D, right now I'm trying to do some simple character modeling. One is a dragon egg with the tail and legs out through the shell and the other will be a sheep. I might make a visor in the egg shell, so he can see, but I haven't quite decided yet. Along with the sheep, I was thinking about making a simple wooden fence for him to successfully jump over or to fail jumping over. Maybe both. It could be fun, haha!

By the way, April's Monthly Challenge picture is up! Medusa Is Here!

These are the digitally painted images for the test bookmark.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Today is my last full day in residence which is exciting, but it kinda sucks too. I won't be close to my friends anymore since we're all either leaving, or staying for capstone. I'm going to try and keep in touch with them all though; that's what Facebook and email are for, I guess. These guys and girls mean a lot to me, being some of the closest friends I've possibly ever made. I don't know what I'd do without them.

There might be some free time personal projects that could happen, so if that works out, that would be cool. But while that gets worked out, I've applied to DND and will probably apply to DHX since it doesn't hurt to try.

Anyways, I've put together a rough demo reel sort of thing. Right now I think it's more of a small collection of 3D animation, but the plan is to continue working on it over the coming weeks. But I seem to be having trouble uploading it, so I'll work on getting it up. Till then, here are some 3D animation clips.

Monday 16 April 2012

The End Is Near

Work for the school year is pretty much done, as I may have mentioned before, but it's just so much fun to say. Just gotta see how far I can get with my painting for life drawing. I've gotten all the base colors down which is good to see, so I just gotta add more layers...and layers....I'm gonna try my best though.

Aside from the life drawing painting, I'm gonna be working on my demo reel and the such. I look forward to doing some 3D modeling and the such for fun when I get home. Another thing I need to do is download a rigged model from 11 Second Club, so I can practice my animation and study the rigging. It all should be fun and wonderful.

I took quite a few pictures today of my life drawing gestures and larger drawings, so I'l definitely be putting those up I think. I'll just put stuff up as I go. I'm taking a fair chunk of it home anyways, so if I've missed any I can take a picture of it when I get home and update later.

By the way, here is the 3D production that our small group of Digital Animation (3D Specialization) Students created. Those who took part in making this production are: Mary Harvey, Andrea Wood (Me), Jesse Swift, Adam Davis and of course who could forget our lovely 3D Animation teacher...Crystal Marshall.

More to come later.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Moving On

The school year is coming to an end for me, with my interview being held at 8:30 AM on Wednesday morning. I have to say, the past two years of staying in Truro at the NSCC college has been a wonderful experience. I've learned so much about animation in my two years taking the Digital Animation program, but I know it won't stop there. I won't ever stop learning, as programs are always updating and people are always coming up with new ways to create. Never the less, I am determined to stay in practice and continue having fun with what I do.

A couple of days ago I sent off my application to the Department of National Defense Internship (DND). The application was due the 13th or April at midnight, but I made sure to get mine done and send it off the Thursday before after supper. From now on, I'll be working on my demo reel/portfolio for 3D work. I think once I home that I might try modeling simple dinosaurs with rigging, weighting and texturing. For starters, I'll use my scenes from our production "The Kiss" and some of my better work from throughout the year. I think modeling on my own time now should be fun. At some point, I'll post up our video with labels saying who did what scenes. I'll probably post my scenes separate as well, just to keep them as my own work.

Till then, I'll post my college experience illustration. I really enjoyed painting it in my cute style, as it looks different without the lines. The three at the bottom are my family: Mom, Dad and my brother Alex. My family is my main support, believing in me and what I choose to do, like stone columns. My dear friend, Morgan, who is hanging off the tablet cord is another supporter, helping me when I need it most. Another supporter is my roommate of this year and also my dear friend, Mary, located on the painter swing. She helps me along with my art and gives me just the right criticism for me to improve. The guy in the yellow shirt is of course my boyfriend, Tanner. He is incredibly important to me and is very supportive in what I do. And of course, the girl in the green hoodie with horns and a tail is me. Everything in the red paint is something I've done or something that is me. The juice box is a representation of my nickname (Juicebox), the ginger boy is the main character for our 3D production who I did the modeling for, and then there is a rough sketch of Murphy the Trucker who is chasing a cupcake. Good times.

Sunday 1 April 2012

It's over!

Animediafest has now come and gone, but I have to say, it was definitely a good experience. Plus, being able to listen to the people from the industry was awesome! They were so informative! I'll speak more about how it went in a later post, I just wanna make short post for the sake of updating.

Evening though it's the first of April, I finally finished the first picture of my monthly challenge! It's up on the Facebook page and up on the monthly challenge page as well, so be sure to take a gander at it. I'll probably fix some of the small white spots that got past me, but other than that, it's done. Down the road, I'll probably try and improve on it as well, as this time around, it's just cutesy.

Next up is the Gorgon (Medusa), I believe.

Also, the roughs for the 10 double sided bookmark commission are done. Now I just need to get them approved.

And I'll try and work on the comic, but it's been really busy. I know I said I would get it done forever ago, but now that Animediafest is done, I should be able to work on it more in between school work.

Wish me luck.