Tuesday 17 April 2012


Today is my last full day in residence which is exciting, but it kinda sucks too. I won't be close to my friends anymore since we're all either leaving, or staying for capstone. I'm going to try and keep in touch with them all though; that's what Facebook and email are for, I guess. These guys and girls mean a lot to me, being some of the closest friends I've possibly ever made. I don't know what I'd do without them.

There might be some free time personal projects that could happen, so if that works out, that would be cool. But while that gets worked out, I've applied to DND and will probably apply to DHX since it doesn't hurt to try.

Anyways, I've put together a rough demo reel sort of thing. Right now I think it's more of a small collection of 3D animation, but the plan is to continue working on it over the coming weeks. But I seem to be having trouble uploading it, so I'll work on getting it up. Till then, here are some 3D animation clips.

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