Sunday 25 November 2012

More Shoppers Posters.

Now, I'm not a Justin Bieber person, but when you make posters for people, it's not about your likes and dislikes. Despite the content (it's not like I actually hate the guy, I just prefer other artists), I do like how the poster turned out. Aside from the poster, I also made coupons. Both the poster and the coupons were for cosmetics.


(P.S.) I'm not showing the coupons...Maybe, we'll see.

Monday 29 October 2012

Awesome Pamphlet

Okay, here's another project I did for work! My manager came up with the wording, I did the images and put it all together. I'm so pleased with how it turned out! This is the cover part of the pamphlet. I did each image by hand using tools in Adobe Photoshop. Each image also represents things and events that happen at the store.

Monday 22 October 2012

Event posters

These are a couple of event posters I did for my workplace. I'm so glad they're utilizing the skills I have! :)
There's another on the way as well!

Monday 10 September 2012

New Model

I'm currently working on a new model; this one is of a recent monster I've created. His name is Jericho and he has one eye, pointy ears and a little bobcat tail. He's pretty fun to doodle too! I look forward to have him all modeled and ready for rigging and weighting. So far, he has his body, his legs and feet, his arms and I'm currently working on his hands. Tomorrow after my doctor's appointment, I'm going to finish off his hands, get his head modeled and attach it. I'm also hoping to do some blendshapes, cause making him do facial movement will be fun and expressive since he only has one eye. I think he's been my favorite personal 3D project. :)

Friday 24 August 2012

Oh god.

Trying to teach myself how to rig my whale without a proper tutorial is not as fun as I thought it would be. If it was a more human character, maybe it would go better. No matter, I shall preserver, for I have still learned much.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Whale Blubber!

The rough painting is done. I decided I liked his eyes magenta (or whatever the color is) with the color I made him. I think it looks snazzy.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


The whale now has a name. I dub thee...Baloo.

I just finished the UV map, after just learning it. Took a while, but I think I have the hang of it in 3DS Max now.

Monday 20 August 2012


He's coming along! He's just going to be a simple little model, but he's coming along! :)
The whale is finally all one model now, and welded together, so no more symmetry. I figured out how to parent/child stuff and how to group stuff today too, in 3D Studio Max! Learning is always awesome!

Tomorrow I'm gonna UV mapping and rigging in 3D Studio Max and see if I can get my whale all ready.

Sunday 19 August 2012

First model in 3DS Max

I made a whale! He's still a little rough, but he has eyes and stuff. Nothing's better than learning from experience and teaching yourself, huh? :P

Wednesday 15 August 2012

I learned something!

I learned a little bit of actionscript coding! :D
I made a storybook that's about 12 or 13 pages long and it works! I put it up on my deviantArt account since it seems to be the only place I can upload it online in my usual places. Everywhere else just gets links to it, like Facebook, Tumblr and the blog. For my first bit of actionscript coding, I think it turned out pretty well. There are of course some places where I could fix it up some, but now I know how to do it, so it'll be easy!

Here's the link to Doodlebook #1

I'm also still learning 3DS Max. I'm recapping all the stuff I learned previously, and making a help sheet for when I'm stuck and can't remember shortcuts and how to do something. Sometimes you just need a reminder.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Alright, so yesterday I found out that I didn't get accepted into the DND internship, which means back to the drawing board about what I'm gonna do. Not really sure, honestly, aside for continuing the search for a job in the industry. Till I find something or I hear back, I'm just going to keep on drawing.

3D wise, I have a couple things planned. Originally I was just going to model a bath/shower with water, and then it was suggested modelling my room (since it's small anyways). But I decided to through another idea in there, like, modelling my whole house...maybe. So I took pictures of the outside all around the house for reference. I think I'll still work on the shower first though...get my self-esteem back up.

Sunday 22 July 2012

New Ideas Come from Frustrations

We're still waiting to hear back from the DND about the internship we applied for (at least some of us are). There have been a bunch of delays, and I'm wondering if I'll hear back from them in time. I'm still working at my summer job, but I'm still going to have to give my two weeks notice. If I can't do that in time to move up to Fredericton and get all my stuff up there, then it's just going to be a 42 ton weight falling from the sky at a high velocity. It's not going to feel good when that crashes down.

It's a longer distance from home to Fredericton than it is to Truro. It's all just kind of silly to have to wait so long just to hear "yes" or "no." I just want to know what the delay is...what keeps causing all these delays?

Out of all this frustration though, I started doing a doodle a day, depicting myself waiting by my computer waiting for the email. Each picture throughout the week had a different pose. It was then suggested I put these on Tumblr, so I did. Now the idea is to do a doodle a day. They're fun and cute and they keep me sane while waiting for this email.

You can now find the doodles on my Tumblr page, Doodle A Day.

A link to the Tumblr page is also along the left hand side of the blog with all the other links and pages.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Don't Cross the Streams!

I've decided I would give live streaming a try, and it's really not that bad. It's actually really fun, being able to talk and draw with friends. This morning I did a stream while drawing a few designs for a subtle star wars themed wedding dress. I've been watching too many "Say Yes to The Dress" and "Randy to the Rescue" shows. But  I guess it can't be helped, since after a certain point, you really start to think about that kinda stuff. I never really watched these shows a few years ago, but now, I'd watch a marathon of them!

Anyways, here's the link to my Juicebox of Apple stream channel.On the page list to the left, there is also a link to the Livestream channel.



Next stream will be tomorrow, and it's been suggested I draw a WoW character. A horde leader, I think is what they called it. Just gonna have to give it a shot. ;)

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Demo Reel

My 3D demo reel.

0:02 - Character Animation
0:04 - Environment Modeling
0:18 - Lip Syncing
0:36 - Character Modeling
0:39 - Character Animation
0:41 - Environment Animation

Sunday 1 July 2012

Price Update

Recently I've updated my prices for commissions, so I've made a sheet with examples on it. Below the examples it will say what the prices are for each thing, for extra character and for backgrounds.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

New Idea

Alright, this is going to be short. Right now, I've been drawing up a storm. A small storm, but it's some sort of storm so it counts. It also got me thinking, that maybe I could try making my own children's books. I'll have to see how it goes, but I've been told my style would suit it. I think it would be really fun to do.

As I said, I'll have to see how it goes.

Monday 4 June 2012

Mythology Double Feature

Since I never got around to drawing the Valravn during May, I decided I would do a double feature this month and put May and June together. So here is the Hvidslangen and Valravn.

Hvidslangen: A large white snake with red eyes that is usually surrounded by lots of smaller snakes, which help protect the Hvidslangen. They're said to bring death and sorrow.

Valravn: A raven that has eaten the dead on the battlefield, through this, they gain the intelligence of a human. If they drink the blood of a newborn boy, they will either turn into a knight, or a half raven, half wolf creature. They are extremely evil and dangerous, but can be befriended if you give them your first born baby.

Monday 21 May 2012

Chopping Block Time!

I finished little animation yesterday, and added a little addition to my campsite scene. I figure it will definitely continue to grow and that's what I'm looking forward to. Anyways, this is just a little object animation of an ax chopping a piece of firewood.

On another note, I'm thinking of working on some illustrations once I get back home from Truro. I haven't really illustrated too much since I've been working on 3D, and I quite miss it. Plus, I've got to work on my monthly challenge for May and I've got an arsenal of scans I can paint. I'm also hoping I can get a commission or two, which would be awesome. A distraction for when I come home after working at ShoppersDrugMart would be lovely.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Feels good to have it done.

I finally finished my campsite last night. So here are some more progress pictures and a short video showcasing. There will be another video for it too, but more of a 360 view. Even though I say I'm finished with, I'll probably go back to it and see if I can keep adding stuff to it to make it even better.

And here's the video~

EDIT: 360 View

Monday 14 May 2012

Bonfire, anyone?

Right now I'm taking a break from the Dragon Egg character, and I'm starting to work on more so the modelling aspect. I've come to realize (finally) that there are certain things I'm going to be better at doing when I try to tackle them. For one, it's become apparent to me that perhaps rigging and weighting are not my specialty; that I'm better at modelling and animating in Maya, for 3D works. Texturing may not be my strongest suit either, but I've been discovering new things I can do with the texture files that are within Maya. I guess this is what people call, "finding where your skills are allocated". I must have messed up on a skill roll somewhere (Dungeons & Dragons joke).

Anyways, as I said, I'm currently working on modelling. I'm in the process of making a little campsite. Bonfire, rocks, sticks with marsh mellows and maybe a tent or cabin. The logs for the fire are made right now and I've been playing with the fire a little bit, but it needs to be played with a bit more so I can get it the way I want. Once I get the fire done, I'll post a little video of the fire animation. But for now, here are the logs.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

It's off to work we go!

I finished a simple little model today; a little dragon egg with his feet and tail sticking out. He wasn't overly complex, but I think that's why I really like him. It's kinda cute. It's just the model that's done, but I plan on trying to rig him and seeing what I can make move. I was thinking about putting a constraint on him in order to make him squish, even though eggs shouldn't really. Overall, I think he'll be fun to play with.

There are other things I plan on working on as well, like modeling my computer and getting around to modeling my small little room as well. It would be fun to have the little dragon egg walking and jumping around on my bed. I was thinking about modeling a weapon of some sort too. Since I'm reading and watching Game of Thrones, I was thinking of modeling some sort of medieval weapon...maybe put an emitter (I think that's what it is) on it and make it ghostly or something. As you can see, I'm just really happy I'm out of my rut.

I'm also gonna try and do more illustrations, going over pictures from my sketchbook. I've been meaning to do that for quite a while.

Monday 30 April 2012

The Heron Watches

I have all my gaming out of my system now I think, so I've gone back to doing some 3D modeling and such. Tomorrow I'm actually sending off my commission of 10 bookmarks to my Aunt, who commissioned me for them. I'm also sending her the digital print off test, to see what she thinks of them being done digitally. I find it's definitely easier to just make and paint them in Corel Painter 12, and then just print them off. They look much nicer.

As for 3D, right now I'm trying to do some simple character modeling. One is a dragon egg with the tail and legs out through the shell and the other will be a sheep. I might make a visor in the egg shell, so he can see, but I haven't quite decided yet. Along with the sheep, I was thinking about making a simple wooden fence for him to successfully jump over or to fail jumping over. Maybe both. It could be fun, haha!

By the way, April's Monthly Challenge picture is up! Medusa Is Here!

These are the digitally painted images for the test bookmark.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Today is my last full day in residence which is exciting, but it kinda sucks too. I won't be close to my friends anymore since we're all either leaving, or staying for capstone. I'm going to try and keep in touch with them all though; that's what Facebook and email are for, I guess. These guys and girls mean a lot to me, being some of the closest friends I've possibly ever made. I don't know what I'd do without them.

There might be some free time personal projects that could happen, so if that works out, that would be cool. But while that gets worked out, I've applied to DND and will probably apply to DHX since it doesn't hurt to try.

Anyways, I've put together a rough demo reel sort of thing. Right now I think it's more of a small collection of 3D animation, but the plan is to continue working on it over the coming weeks. But I seem to be having trouble uploading it, so I'll work on getting it up. Till then, here are some 3D animation clips.

Monday 16 April 2012

The End Is Near

Work for the school year is pretty much done, as I may have mentioned before, but it's just so much fun to say. Just gotta see how far I can get with my painting for life drawing. I've gotten all the base colors down which is good to see, so I just gotta add more layers...and layers....I'm gonna try my best though.

Aside from the life drawing painting, I'm gonna be working on my demo reel and the such. I look forward to doing some 3D modeling and the such for fun when I get home. Another thing I need to do is download a rigged model from 11 Second Club, so I can practice my animation and study the rigging. It all should be fun and wonderful.

I took quite a few pictures today of my life drawing gestures and larger drawings, so I'l definitely be putting those up I think. I'll just put stuff up as I go. I'm taking a fair chunk of it home anyways, so if I've missed any I can take a picture of it when I get home and update later.

By the way, here is the 3D production that our small group of Digital Animation (3D Specialization) Students created. Those who took part in making this production are: Mary Harvey, Andrea Wood (Me), Jesse Swift, Adam Davis and of course who could forget our lovely 3D Animation teacher...Crystal Marshall.

More to come later.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Moving On

The school year is coming to an end for me, with my interview being held at 8:30 AM on Wednesday morning. I have to say, the past two years of staying in Truro at the NSCC college has been a wonderful experience. I've learned so much about animation in my two years taking the Digital Animation program, but I know it won't stop there. I won't ever stop learning, as programs are always updating and people are always coming up with new ways to create. Never the less, I am determined to stay in practice and continue having fun with what I do.

A couple of days ago I sent off my application to the Department of National Defense Internship (DND). The application was due the 13th or April at midnight, but I made sure to get mine done and send it off the Thursday before after supper. From now on, I'll be working on my demo reel/portfolio for 3D work. I think once I home that I might try modeling simple dinosaurs with rigging, weighting and texturing. For starters, I'll use my scenes from our production "The Kiss" and some of my better work from throughout the year. I think modeling on my own time now should be fun. At some point, I'll post up our video with labels saying who did what scenes. I'll probably post my scenes separate as well, just to keep them as my own work.

Till then, I'll post my college experience illustration. I really enjoyed painting it in my cute style, as it looks different without the lines. The three at the bottom are my family: Mom, Dad and my brother Alex. My family is my main support, believing in me and what I choose to do, like stone columns. My dear friend, Morgan, who is hanging off the tablet cord is another supporter, helping me when I need it most. Another supporter is my roommate of this year and also my dear friend, Mary, located on the painter swing. She helps me along with my art and gives me just the right criticism for me to improve. The guy in the yellow shirt is of course my boyfriend, Tanner. He is incredibly important to me and is very supportive in what I do. And of course, the girl in the green hoodie with horns and a tail is me. Everything in the red paint is something I've done or something that is me. The juice box is a representation of my nickname (Juicebox), the ginger boy is the main character for our 3D production who I did the modeling for, and then there is a rough sketch of Murphy the Trucker who is chasing a cupcake. Good times.

Sunday 1 April 2012

It's over!

Animediafest has now come and gone, but I have to say, it was definitely a good experience. Plus, being able to listen to the people from the industry was awesome! They were so informative! I'll speak more about how it went in a later post, I just wanna make short post for the sake of updating.

Evening though it's the first of April, I finally finished the first picture of my monthly challenge! It's up on the Facebook page and up on the monthly challenge page as well, so be sure to take a gander at it. I'll probably fix some of the small white spots that got past me, but other than that, it's done. Down the road, I'll probably try and improve on it as well, as this time around, it's just cutesy.

Next up is the Gorgon (Medusa), I believe.

Also, the roughs for the 10 double sided bookmark commission are done. Now I just need to get them approved.

And I'll try and work on the comic, but it's been really busy. I know I said I would get it done forever ago, but now that Animediafest is done, I should be able to work on it more in between school work.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Upcoming Week

I'm some what back into the gist of things now, having come back from March break yesterday. I had so much trouble getting up for breakfast on Monday, I didn't even bother going down for it. Which is funny, cause I got up no problem during the break, in order to get up for breakfast. Maybe it was because I was super lazy on the last Saturday and Sunday, eh? It can't be helped! Heh heh!

Anyways, things that are going on this week...lets see...

Tomorrow I'm actually going to be helping a friend do a fundraiser toward supporting kids (I might be wrong, I can't remember what people tell me in the late hours of the night, which is past 11:20 PM). It's actually another friend and I that are helping him out. The fundraiser he's going for is something called "Money Mummy", where someone is wrapped up in tape and then they go around collecting money for their cause with the money sticking on the tape, hence being "Money Mummy". I get to be the money mummy and my friends are walking around with me collecting money. It's gonna be a good ol' time.

Since I'll probably not end up going to the Digital Nova Scotia Dinner 2012, which is being held on Thursday this week, I might end up going to the 3rd Wednesday networking thing with a friend instead. I can't go to the Digital NS Dinner, and it kinda sucks but, I got put on the waiting list for it because apparently all their student sponsored seats are taken. Now, when I applied for it on Monday last week (which was the first day for it) I did it between the hours of 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM at least, which is pretty much shortly after my friends. There were 182 seats left at that time...So I don't know anymore. I'm still interested in going; I emailed them back like they wanted, but I don't think it's likely I'll get my seat. But because I can't go to said special dinner, I might end up going to the 3rd Wednesday networking thing, which is held every 3rd Wednesday of each month. If I can't do one networking thing, might as well do another, right? So maybe something might be in my future, eh? Who knows.

This week I'm also going to be picking up some odds and ends on the work load. I'm going to be revising my resume to make it more suitable, making a cover letter and seeing about a reference letter from one of my Digital Animation teachers. I want to get this stuff done soon and hopefully before the weekend, but I'll have to balance it between other things that might be coming my way. Despite it always being a good idea to keep your resume handy, it's actually for a application. A couple of weeks ago, the Department of National Defense came by and did a presentation for the students who were interested in working for DND, by making stuff like tutorials and doing IT stuff. It sounds really cool and it would definitely be a good stepping stone to getting a job in the industry. You pay a bit of tuition of course, but you actually get paid to learn more, and put what skills you've learned to the test. Plus, you end up getting paid by the end of it, way more than you paid for tuition, so it definitely makes up for it. If this really happens for me, I'll be moving off to New Brunswick, so I'd be even farther from home. It would be another step to getting used to the world. But I hope I won't be alone if this happens, as I hope that my friend who is also applying for DND will get in with me, so we can get an apartment together. It would make things easier for the both of us, I think, even though she has more experience with living in an apartment than I do. But everything would be worth it, that's for sure.

Now, for something not related to my work future, this weekend some friends and I are hopefully going to be going out for supper this weekend for some Japanese food. Conveniently, there is a Japanese food restaurant down the street, so some of us went out for supper last week to give it a try. One of us had already been there plenty, but I think for the rest of us it was a new experience. For me, the most I've ever had was maybe a california roll or something before hand, so it was like a whole new experience food wise when we went out. Before I actually got the food that I had ordered, I tried one of the  cucumber rolls that a friend had ordered, and it was quite good! I'm used to seaweed since I used to eat dulse (dried seaweed) with my dad, so it doesn't really bother me. But when the food I had ordered finally came, it was sooooooooo delicious!!! I mean, the side dishes that came before it (salad with a ginger sauce and miso soup) were good too, but the beef don I ordered was just awesome. It was a big bowl of this awesome bed of rice with a layer of beef, some broccoli and carrots that was good together with an egg. The egg absorbed the flavor of the beef and vegetables, so with the addition of the taste of egg, it tasted sweet, but as in a good dinner sweet. It was soooooooo good!!! So this time when we go, I'm going to get some tuna rolls (none of that canned fish for me! Ew!) and possibly some beef sirloin teriyaki...or maybe something else, I haven't quite decided yet. There are definitely some different things I would mind trying.

Before I forget, I will be working on the first web comic this week; I will make the time! And expect to see the art challenge picture for this month fairly soon as well! Helhesten will be coming your way in no time at all, just you wait.

Just be sure to check out Mythobox by the end of this week, guys! I know I'm going a little slow, I'm sorry! Just be patient.

Next week is also going to be a little busy, so I'll cut it off here for now and save that for later.

Bye for now!

Monday 12 March 2012


If you've noticed, there's a new page link added called "Mythobox". This is the name of my new blog that I've made specially for all my future webcomic stuff, like pictures, ideas and the short comics themselves.  I've already made up a little character page to show four of the most recent characters I'll be using. I'll be putting up any other character sheets for the comics on Mythobox, for all to see. I'm definitely looking forward to making more characters, and thinking up new ideas! It's gonna be fun, guys!

And just to throw it out there, I'll put the link down here too. Just in case the link decides to play hide and seek with you. Mythobox

Also, here are some of the most recent illustrations I've done for Illustration class that I've done.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Whoo Whoo!

Monday was definitely a good start to the week, as our Animediafest Core Committee went to the Town of Truro and presented our pitch to the Mayor and the Council. It went very well, considering I was most certainly nervous going into it. But once we actually got the ball moving, it wasn't such a big deal after all; nothing to be nervous about.  So all in all, the presentation went really well, as the Mayor and the Council seemed to be interested in Animediafest and we were in the town paper to boot!

Also, just yesterday I completed two commissions, in total being $30 together. It's definitely been a good start, but once people from DeviantArt begin to want commissions of me, then I'll feel that I'm really getting somewhere with my commissions. I just really hope it gets to that point though. I'm not going to worry about it too much though right now, as there's still plenty of time for things to pick up.

Characters for Morgan's game based off classmates (Dylan and Morgan)
Commissioned by Sam to draw chibi line art of her  new character
Just recently as well, I've finished a personal work. I had been meaning to finish it as of lately instead of putting it off any longer. Next week I also plan to start working on the monthly challenge that I'm planning to do.

Rathlin Brodick (Naga) [c] Me

Friday 2 March 2012


Yesterday was awesome, beside the fact of having 3D all day, I got to wear the Motion Capture suit for pretty much the whole day! It was really cool getting to wear the suit again, and it was interesting to see the differences between the characters we had been working on. The boy character still has some weighting issues, but the frog princess worked wonderfully! Playing around with the characters and testing out how to animate them with the MoCap suit was just all around fun for me. It got positively hilarious! Plus, it was nice to learn how to use the program behind the computer as well.

In other news, what is probably going to be our last fundraiser for the Animediafest (as I need to concentrate more on work and being able to draw on my own time) is happening tonight. It's called a casper night; for what reason, I'm not really sure as it's what they called it last I just went with it, ha ha! We're having a bunch of events and we're giving out achievements too, to help with the excitement and to get people more involved with each other and the such. There's going to be pizza, chips, pop, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and popcorn. Also, there are going to be Ghibli movies playing all night long, and we even got a few free small decks from the Batter's Box to help teach some new people that were interested in Magic: The Gathering (which is so awesome!). It starts at 7pm and ends at 9am in the morning. I hope to last the whole night this time, as I didn't quite make it during the last casper night (I only made it till 2, almost 3am).

All in all, I feel that this casper night shall be another success as a fundraiser for our Animediafest. Having said that, looking at the calendar I realize that it's the 2nd of March. Animediafest will be here in four weeks time and time is ever so slightly picking up the speed toward it. It's kind of scary to know it'll be here soon enough, but it will be nice to see all our hard work put together into one festival for all the DIAN's, the IMOG's, those who are interested or want to learn more, and the people of Truro. It's going to be awesome to see the final product of our hard work. :)

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Slowly But Surely!

Soon enough, I should be able to get everything organized here. As you can see, I've added some new tabs up top. I have a deviantArt tab, a tab that leads to my Youtube channel, a tab that leads to a Facebook page I've recently made, a tab that leads to my chibi commission page and a tab that leads to the monthly challenge I'm currently doing. As you can see, I'm trying to cover my bases here in getting my stuff out there. Someone is bound to see my stuff one way or another, and it might interest them so they might tell their friends about it. Maybe it will be like a whole chain reaction, eh?

I can only just keep working away at it and see where it leads me. Can only hope for the best, right?  :)

Also, I'm going to try and post every other day, unless I have something really exciting to post and I won't be able to hold it in any longer.

Anyways, here's another picture in the meantime.


Sunday 26 February 2012

First Post Excitement

Alright, first post on the blog, this is kind of exciting! I've been super busy with school work, so I haven't really gotten around to making a blog/website till now. But at least it's now officially started and I can hopefully keep up with it. I suppose it won't be too much different than posting a journal on deviantART, but it usually takes me a while to put up a journal even there. So now, I'm really going to have to push myself to keep up with this blogging business and have a little fun with it!

Eventually I'll get around to customizing the look of my blog, and then it will be awesome! I have some ideas in mind, so might as well start there. Originally, I was going to make my blog look kind of like a storybook, since I'm into fairy tales, myths and legends. I still might go with that idea (might have to change it around a bit while figuring out how to customize the blog), but either way, it should be really fun to customize it to my own preferences.

Anyways, here's a test upload of some personal work.

I made this over the Christmas break for my Dad as Christmas present.
It's a picture of my Dad's old 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1 that he used to
have when he was younger.